KIT contributes to the research program "Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future" in the Helmholtz Research Field Earth and Environment.

The atmosphere is the Earth's thin protective layer that shields us from harmful radiation, moderates temperature differences, and redistributes thermal energy, water, and pollutants: Almost all life depends on it. This protective function is maintained by delicate balances and is vulnerable to global changes in climate and land use. The main drivers of climate change are the radiative effects of greenhouse gases and aerosols, which affect the composition and impact of the atmosphere on all aspects of societal activities.

We are developing seamless observational and modeling techniques to unravel the complex interactions of climate change between the atmosphere, land surface, and ocean. As focal areas, we are investigating changes in air quality - globally and in urban areas - the internal causes and effects of climate change through feedbacks, and what kinds of weather and extremes we will need to prepare for in the future. Advances in these areas are paramount for reliably assessing the state of the Earth system and for predicting and projecting global changes on our future living conditions.


Our research follows a holistic approach: we develop cross-scale observational and modeling solutions for improved atmospheric forecasts and regional climate projections with unprecedented resolution. We strive to observe, understand, and predict atmospheric phenomena and process chains from their origin to climate change impacts in the atmosphere, particularly in their interactions and feedbacks with the land surface, biosphere, cryosphere, oceans, and near-Earth space. Through our work, we can assess the physical, chemical, and socio-ecological consequences of atmospheric change and its impact on climate, extreme weather, and land ecosystem functioning.

In doing so, we increase knowledge to address societal challenges such as global warming, growing world population, land use change, air quality, water availability, and energy and mobility change. Our atmospheric and climate observation and modeling activities provide the scientific basis of sustainable development strategies for the benefit of society, ecosystems, and climate mitigation and adaptation combined with economic risk reduction.

1349Johann Kleer
Hail frequency in Germany: regional trends over the last 20 years

3D radar-based hail tracks reveal region-specific trends in Germany over the past 20 years.

International interest in fog research at IMKASF

Dr. Eva Pauli (SKL) recently shared insights from her current fog research at IMKASF in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and NASA's Earth Observatory blog „Image of the day“.

1345DIN e. V. privat
Award of the DIN Excellence Prize to AAF member and KIT Distinguished Senior Fellow Dr.-Ing. Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn

The AAF member and KIT Distinguished Senior Fellow Dr. Ing. Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn was awarded the DIN Excellence Prize for his many years of active work as Chairman of the Presidential Committee "Research, Innovation, and Development".

1343James Daniell (CEDIM/KIT)
Better protection against flash floods through artificial intelligence?

New BMBF-funded joint project KI-HopE-De (Al-supported flood forecasting for small catchment areas in Germany) launched

1341Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
New tenure-track professor at IMKTRO

Martina Klose and her team investigate aerosols in the Earth system, especially mineral dust. For this purpose, they use and develop numerical models and field and laboratory measurements.

1338KIT/ Nsikanabasi Umo
Visiting scientist from KIST, South Korea, conducts new experiments at AIDAd

We recently welcomed Dr. Najin Kim from the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), South Korea as visiting scientist at our institute. The visit is part of the ongoing KIST efforts to foster academic excellence and collaboration across borders. With her expertise in aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei studies, Dr. Kim conducts and leads novel experiment series at our new dynamic cloud simulation chamber AIDAd.
