Talent Management

Promote talent to strengthen research.

In the third funding phase (PoF III) of the ATMO programm, talent promotion had already a high priority. Also during the fourth funding period (PoF IV), we want to strengthen research at KIT in the research field "Earth and Environment" by promoting the talents of employees. This includes, but is not limited to, the promotion of young researchers. One of our overarching goals is to increase the proportion of women, especially in leadership positions. 

In 2018, a working group on talent management was founded at KIT within the research field "Earth and Environment". This working group works on strategies to promote talent and develops new measures based on these strategies. Existing events organized by the working group will soon be listed under ATMOchange Activities. For general information on further qualification offerings at KIT, a guide is developed and will soon be available under Further Qualification

Strategic human resources management is a key component of the mission of the Helmholtz research field "Earth and Environment" and a central prerequisite for scientific excellence. KIT CE joins efforts with the other seven centers of the research field "Earth and Environment" to develop Helmholtz Activities in the context of "Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future".

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ATMOchange Activities
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Helmholtz Activities
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Further Qualification
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Young Investigator Groups
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Working Group Talent Management