Participating Helmholtz Centers

The main KIT institute contributing in Topic 1 "The Atmosphere in Global Change" is the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK). The institute consists of:

  • Atmospheric Aerosol Research (IMKAAF)
  • Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMKIFU)
  • Atmospheric Trace Gases and Remote Sensing (IMKASF)
  • Troposphere Research (IMKTRO)

© T. Leisner

Prof. Dr. Thomas Leisner


Head of IMKAAF

© H. Schmid

Prof. Dr. HaPe Schmid


Head of IMKIFU

© P. Braesicke

Prof. Dr. Peter Braesicke


Head of IMKASF

© P. Knippertz

Prof. Dr. Peter Knippertz


Head of IMKTRO

In the topic KIT works together with four other Helmholtz centers. These are: 

  • Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven 
  • German Research Centre for Geoscience (GFZ), Potsdam
  • Helmholtz Centre Hereon, Greesthacht
  • Research Centre Jülich (FZJ)





© C. Ritter

Dr. Christoph Ritter

Deputy of the section "Atmospheric Physics"





© J. Wickert

Prof. Dr. Jens Wickert

Director GFZ contribution to Helmholtz Research Program "Atmosphere in Global Change"






©GERICS/Nicole Keller

Dr. Kevin Sieck


Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS)



© A. Wahner
Prof. Dr. Andreas Wahner

Director of the Institute for Energy and Climate Research: Troposphere (IEK-8)



© M. Riese

Prof. Dr. Martin Riese

Director of the Institute for Energy and Climate Research
: Stratosphere (IEK-7)

© M. Hegglin

Prof. Dr. Michaela Hegglin

Director of the Institute for Energy and Climate Research:
Stratosphere (IEK-7)