Working Group Talent Management

Why was the working group founded?

We first came together to compile developments in talent management in PoF III - at that time in a smaller group. Our joint work contributed to the positive evaluation in 2017/19. Now we are building on this success and want to continue our activities accordingly in PoF IV.

Who are we?

The working group consists of representatives of the IMK departments as well as representatives of GRACE, PEBA, KHYS and the program management (see figure on the right). Elija Bleher is also IFU's equal opportunities representative. Katerina Kusakova and Alexander Böhmländer are PhD student pepresentatives. Larissa Lacher is Postdoc representative. We also get support from Anja Christ-Wetzel (PEBA), Janine Maurer (FOR) and Lilith Paul (YIN).

What do we do?

Talent management is a major concern for us, with which we would like to improve the framework conditions for your work and support your personal development. To this end, we are looking at existing support and further training opportunities for KIT employees in the Research Field (RF) Earth and Environment and are also working on their RF-specific further development and supplementary measures. We generally understand talent promotion as the promotion of personal talent and therefore want to provide individual support as a service, regardless of career path and level.

Why do we do this?

Our activities aim to further advance the promotion of young researchers and equal opportunities in the RF Earth and Environment and thus strengthen our programme research.

Participants of the working group.